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Collaboration Announcement! Cornerstone Birthwork Trainings + Sacred Bridges via "Capstone US"

Apr 4, 2023

Capstone is Cornerstone Birthwork Trainings' US Advanced Full Spectrum Doula Training Cohort, where they’ve gathered up a powerful group of collaborators to provide some top notch birthwork education. I’ll be presenting on Rural Birthwork, and sharing about what 13+ years in rural care-work has taught me.

My entry into birthwork was slow, patient, and led by my ancestors.

My initial teachers were my perinatal bodywork clients, elders in/from Mexico, fellow birthworkers, and the community who trusted me to support them prenatally and postpartum even though I wasn’t a “trained/certified” doula. I’d attended a birth before I ever did a work-shop or doula training.

Choosing to live a rural-based life doesn’t often give access to trainings and continuing education. Most intensives and courses are at least 3+hrs from my home community. When the pandemic began in March 2020 I took to opportunity to see if any training organizations had transitioned to virtual teachings yet.

That’s when I learned about and found Cornerstone Birthwork Trainings.

I signed up for Moonstone (Labor+Birth Doula Training), and later Sunstone (Postpartum Doula Training). While I’m not one to say that anyone needs an official doula training or certification to be an amazing birthworker, I’m so glad I chose them as one of my initial state-side training organizations.

It’s what I needed at the time to help integrate my years of learning into a cohesive “birthwork” folder in my head. And my heart. It helped me build confidence to advocate with and for my clients/families in moments of need in a new way. It gave me the connection to resources and evidence based info that validated years of listening, watching, and forming my own mini case-studies in my client notes. It also opened the door to a community of birthworkers and mentors that were here in the USA that I deeply needed.

Rural living and rural birthwork can be individually isolating.  Combined, sometimes it got hard. It could feel like there was no one to connect or collaborate with, but with the community I gained with Cornerstone that myth of separation was challenged beautifully.

Since being a student, I’ve been blessed to bond and collaborate with Cornerstone Birthwork Trainings as a practitioner, advocate, and guest speaker/educator. I’m so freaking pumped-honored-privileged-blessed to be one of the amazing guest facilitators for the next several Capstone Cohorts via Cornerstone Birthwork Trainings!

Capstone is their US Advanced Full Spectrum Doula Training Cohort where they’ve gathered up a powerful group of collaborators to provide some top notch birthwork education. I’ll be presenting on Rural Birthwork, and sharing about what 13+ years in rural care-work has taught me.

If you’re looking for Full Spectrum Birthwork (Doula) Training, or continuing education, I suggest checking out their single class and course bundle offerings! They’re not the only amazing training organization out there, but they are most definitely one of the best (imo). Next Capstone cohort begins April 23rd- Registration open!

And if you want to support a rural indigenous birthworker while supporting Cornerstone and receiving their awesome education, follow the link below! As an affiliate of theirs, I’ll get a percentage of any course purchase (not just Capstone!) made through my link.

All money received will go directly towards rural community receiving sustainable birthwork.

So, please, make sure to sign up through my link to support this rural gal’s community and the work I do with them!

A note from Cornerstone Birthwork Trainings on Capstone:

“Enroll today in our advanced full spectrum birthwork training to further explore radical birth and care work that centers reproductive justice with amazing collaborators . . .”

Read more on the other collaborators on Cornerstone's Blog here:

In Community,


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